-- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2019 -- by Aida Havel





































On December 14, 2019, a group of Lighthouse Society members met at the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse for what has become an annual tradition: welcoming climbers to the lighthouse on the only day it is open during the off-season. Variously known as “OBXmas” or “Ho, Ho, Ho, Up We Go,” the free climb is popular with local residents and lucky visitors who happen to be in the right place at the right time. Participating members were Paul and Kathy Paisley, Judy Moon, Doug Stover, and John and Aida Havel. With walkie-talkies and a cheerful smile, they greeted visitors, answered questions, and promoted the Society. For the first time in recent memory, the event was shut down early due to persistent lightning, but nevertheless, a good time was had by all. Following their tour of duty as honorary Park Rangers, the group dispersed to Hatteras Village to watch the annual Christmas Parade, with hot chocolate to warm body and soul.

2019 OBLHS members (L-R) Judy Moon, Aida Havel, Bob Paisley, Kathy Paisley, John Havel, and Doug Stover with NPS Rangers Jonathan Polk (seated), and Aimee Ginnever